First-Line Pembrolizumab Monotherapy for Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma
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Pembrolizumab Monotherapy for Previously Untreated Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Data from the Open-Label, Phase II KEYNOTE-224 Trial
Clin. Cancer Res 2022 Jun 13;28(12)2547-2554, G Verset, I Borbath, M Karwal, C Verslype, H Van Vlierberghe, A Kardosh, V Zagonel, P Stal, D Sarker, DH Palmer, A Vogel, J Edeline, S Cattan, M Kudo, AL Cheng, S Ogasawara, B Daniele, SL Chan, JJ Knox, S Qin, AB Siegel, M Chisamore, K Hatogai, A Wang, RS Finn, AX ZhuFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.