First-Line Osimertinib for NSCLC With Uncommon EGFR Mutations
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UNcommon EGFR mutations: International Case series on efficacy of osimertinib in Real-life practice in first liNe setting (UNICORN)
J Thorac Oncol 2022 Oct 25;[EPub Ahead of Print], J Bar, N Peled, S Schokrpur, M Wolner, O Rotem, N Girard, FA Nana, S Derijcke, W Kian, S Patel, H Gantz-Sorotsky, A Zer, M Moskovitz, G Metro, Y Rottenberg, A Calles, M Hochmair, K Cuppens, L Decoster, M Reck, D Limon, E Rodriguez, C Astaras, A Bettini, S Häfliger, A AddeoFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.