Evaluation of Large-Scale Proteomics for the Prediction of CVD Events
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Evaluation of Large-Scale Proteomics for Prediction of Cardiovascular Events
JAMA 2023 Aug 22;330(8)725-735, H Helgason, T Eiriksdottir, MO Ulfarsson, A Choudhary, SH Lund, EV Ivarsdottir, G Hjorleifsson Eldjarn, G Einarsson, E Ferkingstad, KHS Moore, N Honarpour, T Liu, H Wang, T Hucko, MS Sabatine, DA Morrow, RP Giugliano, SR Ostrowski, OB Pedersen, H Bundgaard, C Erikstrup, DO Arnar, G Thorgeirsson, G Masson, OT Magnusson, J Saemundsdottir, S Gretarsdottir, V Steinthorsdottir, G Thorleifsson, A Helgadottir, P Sulem, U Thorsteinsdottir, H Holm, D Gudbjartsson, K StefanssonFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.