Estimating the Risk of Consequences Following Hypoglycaemia Exposure
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Estimating risk of consequences following hypoglycaemia exposure using the Hypo-RESOLVE cohort: a secondary analysis of pooled data from insulin clinical trials
Diabetologia 2024 Oct 01;67(10)2210-2224, J Mellor, D Kuznetsov, S Heller, MA Gall, M Rosilio, SA Amiel, M Ibberson, S McGurnaghan, L Blackbourn, W Berthon, A Salem, Y Qu, RJ McCrimmon, BE de Galan, U Pedersen-Bjergaard, J Leaviss, PM McKeigue, HM ColhounFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.