Epigenetic Regulators of Cellular Plasticity and Environmental Stress Response
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Single-cell multimodal glioma analyses identify epigenetic regulators of cellular plasticity and environmental stress response
Nat. Genet 2021 Oct 01;53(10)1456-1468, KC Johnson, KJ Anderson, ET Courtois, AD Gujar, FP Barthel, FS Varn, D Luo, M Seignon, E Yi, H Kim, MRH Estecio, D Zhao, M Tang, NE Navin, R Maurya, CY Ngan, N Verburg, PC de Witt Hamer, K Bulsara, ML Samuels, S Das, P Robson, RGW VerhaakFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.