Efficacy of COVID-19 Vaccine SCB-2019
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The Lancet
From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Efficacy of the adjuvanted subunit protein COVID-19 vaccine, SCB-2019: a phase 2 and 3 multicentre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial
Lancet 2022 Jan 29;399(10323)461-472, L Bravo, I Smolenov, HH Han, P Li, R Hosain, F Rockhold, SAC Clemens, C Roa, C Borja-Tabora, A Quinsaat, P Lopez, E López-Medina, L Brochado, EA Hernández, H Reynales, T Medina, H Velasquez, LB Toloza, EJ Rodriguez, DIM de Salazar, CA Rodríguez, E Sprinz, J Cerbino-Neto, KG Luz, AV Schwarzbold, MS Paiva, J Carlos, MEB Montellano, MRA de Los Reyes, CY Yu, ER Alberto, MM Panaligan, M Salvani-Bautista, E Buntinx, M Hites, JB Martinot, QE Bhorat, A Badat, C Baccarini, B Hu, J Jurgens, J Engelbrecht, D Ambrosino, P Richmond, G Siber, J Liang, R ClemensFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.