Effects of Semaglutide and Empagliflozin on Oxygenation, Vascular Autoregulation, and Central Thickness of the Retina in People With Type 2 Diabetes
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Effects of semaglutide and empagliflozin on oxygenation, vascular autoregulation, and central thickness of the retina in people with type 2 diabetes: A prespecified secondary analysis of a randomised clinical trial
J Diabetes Complicat 2023 Apr 05;37(5)108472, S Gullaksen, L Vernstrøm, SS Sørensen, KL Funck, L Petersen, T Bek, PL Poulsen, E LaugesenFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.