Effects of Repeated Intra-Silicone Oil Injections of Methotrexate on Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy Grade C
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Effects of repeated intra-silicone oil injections of methotrexate on proliferative vitreoretinopathy grade C: a multicenter randomized controlled trial
Sci Rep 2024 Nov 21;14(1)28842, R Nourinia, S Safi, M Mohammadpour, H Riazi-Esfahani, MR Ansari Astaneh, KG Falavarjani, A Ramezani, S Karimi, S Fekri, N Ebrahimiadib, E Khalili Pour, H Nikkhah, N Shoeibi, N Hassanpoor, M Hosseini, M Abrishami, F Abdi, A Rahimi, MH Jabbarpoor Bonyadi, S Moradian, S Khosravi Mirzaei, H Safi, P Anvari, K Fadakar, M Mirghorbani, N Mohammadbagheri, F Hatami, B Kheiri, M Yaseri, Z Khorrami, H AhmadiehFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.