Effective Bridging Therapy Can Improve CD19 CAR T-Cell Therapy Outcomes While Maintaining Safety in Patients With LBCL
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Effective bridging therapy can improve CD19 CAR-T outcomes while maintaining safety in patients with large B-cell lymphoma
Blood Adv 2023 Feb 01;[EPub Ahead of Print], C Roddie, L Neill, W Osborne, S Iyengar, E Tholouli, D Irvine, S Chaganti, C Besley, AJ Bloor, CH Jones, BJ Uttenthal, RJ Johnson, R Sanderson, KP Cheok, MAV Marzolini, WM Townsend, M O'Reilly, AA Kirkwood, A KuhnlFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.