Distinct Features of Probands With Early Repolarization and Brugada Syndromes Carrying SCN5A Pathogenic Variants
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Distinct Features of Probands With Early Repolarization and Brugada Syndromes Carrying SCN5A Pathogenic Variants
J Am Coll Cardiol 2021 Oct 19;78(16)1603-1617, ZH Zhang, H Barajas-Martínez, H Xia, B Li, JA Capra, J Clatot, GX Chen, X Chen, B Yang, H Jiang, G Tse, Y Aizawa, MH Gollob, M Scheinman, C Antzelevitch, D HuFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.