Diagnosing Parkinson’s by Clinical and Genetic Classification
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Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease on the Basis of Clinical and Genetic Classification: A Population-Based Modelling Study
Lancet Neurol 2015 Aug 10;[EPub Ahead of Print], MA Nalls, CY McLean, J Rick, S Eberly, SJ Hutten, K Gwinn, M Sutherland, M Martinez, P Heutink, NM Williams, J Hardy, T Gasser, A Brice, TR Price, A Nicolas, MF Keller, C Molony, JR Gibbs, A Chen-Plotkin, E Suh, C Letson, MS Fiandaca, M Mapstone, HJ Federoff, AJ Noyce, H Morris, VM Van Deerlin, D Weintraub, C Zabetian, DG Hernandez, S Lesage, M Mullins, ED Conley, CA Northover, M Frasier, K Marek, AG Day-Williams, DJ Stone, JP Ioannidis, AB SingletonFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.