Deep-Learning Approach to Predict SLN Status Directly From Routine Histology of Primary Melanoma Tumours
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Deep learning approach to predict sentinel lymph node status directly from routine histology of primary melanoma tumours
Eur. J. Cancer 2021 Sep 01;154(xx)227-234, TJ Brinker, L Kiehl, M Schmitt, TB Jutzi, EI Krieghoff-Henning, D Krahl, H Kutzner, P Gholam, S Haferkamp, J Klode, D Schadendorf, A Hekler, S Fröhling, JN Kather, S Haggenmüller, C von Kalle, M Heppt, F Hilke, K Ghoreschi, M Tiemann, U Wehkamp, A Hauschild, M Weichenthal, JS UtikalFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.