De Novo Pyrimidine Synthesis Is a Targetable Vulnerability in IDH-Mutant Glioma
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De novo pyrimidine synthesis is a targetable vulnerability in IDH mutant glioma
Cancer Cell 2022 Sep 12;40(9)939-956.e16, DD Shi, MR Savani, MM Levitt, AC Wang, JE Endress, CE Bird, J Buehler, SA Stopka, MS Regan, YF Lin, VT Puliyappadamba, W Gao, J Khanal, L Evans, JH Lee, L Guo, Y Xiao, M Xu, B Huang, RB Jennings, DM Bonal, MS Martin-Sandoval, T Dang, LC Gattie, AB Cameron, S Lee, JM Asara, HI Kornblum, TW Mak, RE Looper, QD Nguyen, S Signoretti, S Gradl, A Sutter, M Jeffers, A Janzer, MA Lehrman, LG Zacharias, TP Mathews, JA Losman, TE Richardson, DP Cahill, RJ DeBerardinis, KL Ligon, L Xu, P Ly, NYR Agar, KG Abdullah, IS Harris, WG Kaelin, SK McBrayerFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.