De-Escalation to Ticagrelor Monotherapy vs 12-Month DAPT in Patients With and Without Acute Coronary Syndrome
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De-escalation to ticagrelor monotherapy versus 12 months of dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with and without acute coronary syndromes: a systematic review and individual patient-level meta-analysis of randomised trials
Lancet 2024 Sep 07;404(10456)937-948, M Valgimigli, SJ Hong, F Gragnano, K Chalkou, A Franzone, BR da Costa, U Baber, BK Kim, Y Jang, SL Chen, GW Stone, JY Hahn, S Windecker, MC Gibson, YB Song, Z Ge, P Vranckx, S Mehta, HC Gwon, RD Lopes, GD Dangas, EP McFadden, DJ Angiolillo, S Leonardi, D Heg, P Calabrò, P Jüni, R Mehran, MK HongFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.