Dabrafenib, Trametinib, and Hydroxychloroquine in Advanced BRAFV600-Mutant Melanoma
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BAMM (BRAF Autophagy and MEK Inhibition in Melanoma): A Phase I/II Trial of Dabrafenib, Trametinib, and Hydroxychloroquine in Advanced BRAFV600-mutant Melanoma
Clin. Cancer Res 2022 Mar 15;28(6)1098-1106, JM Mehnert, TC Mitchell, AC Huang, TS Aleman, BJ Kim, LM Schuchter, GP Linette, GC Karakousis, S Mitnick, L Giles, M Carberry, N Frey, A Kossenkov, R Groisberg, LF Hernandez-Aya, G Ansstas, AW Silk, S Chandra, JA Sosman, PA Gimotty, R Mick, RK AmaravadiFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.