CT vs Invasive Coronary Angiography in Patients With Diabetes and Suspected Coronary Artery Disease
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Computed Tomography Versus Invasive Coronary Angiography in Patients With Diabetes and Suspected Coronary Artery Disease
Diabetes Care 2023 Nov 01;46(11)2015-2023, T Benedek, V Wieske, B Szilveszter, KF Kofoed, P Donnelly, J Rodriguez-Palomares, A Erglis, J Veselka, G Šakalytė, NČ Ađić, M Gutberlet, I Diez, G Davis, E Zimmermann, C Kępka, R Vidakovic, M Francone, M Ilnicka-Suckiel, F Plank, J Knuuti, R Faria, S Schröder, C Berry, L Saba, B Ruzsics, N Rieckmann, C Kubiak, K Schultz Hansen, J Müller-Nordhorn, B Merkely, PE Sigvardsen, I Benedek, C Orr, FX Valente, L Zvaigzne, M Horváth, A Jankauskas, F Ađić, M Woinke, N Mulvihill, I Lecumberri, E Thwaite, M Laule, M Kruk, M Stefanovic, M Mancone, D Kuśmierz, G Feuchtner, M Pietilä, VG Ribeiro, T Drosch, C Delles, M Melis, M Fisher, M Boussoussou, C Kragelund, R Aurelian, S Kelly, B Garcia Del Blanco, A Rubio, M Károlyi, JD Hove, I Rodean, S Regan, HC Calabria, L Gellér, L Larsen, R Hodas, AE Napp, R Haase, S Feger, M Mohamed, LM Serna-Higuita, K Neumann, H Dreger, M Rief, J Danesh, M Estrella, M Bosserdt, P Martus, JD Dodd, M DeweyFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.