Cross-Sectional Associations of β-Amyloid, Tau, and Cerebrovascular Biomarkers With Neurodegeneration in Patients With Probable Dementia With Lewy Bodies
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Cross-sectional Associations of β-Amyloid, Tau, and Cerebrovascular Biomarkers With Neurodegeneration in Probable Dementia With Lewy Bodies
Neurology 2023 Feb 21;100(8)e846-e859, D Ferreira, SA Przybelski, TG Lesnick, CG Schwarz, P Diaz-Galvan, J Graff-Radford, ML Senjem, JA Fields, DS Knopman, DT Jones, R Savica, TJ Ferman, N Graff-Radford, VJ Lowe, CR Jack, RC Petersen, E Westman, BF Boeve, K KantarciFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.