Conventional Cold Storage vs Hypothermic Oxygenated Perfusion for Human Liver Grafts Before Transplantation
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A multicenter randomized-controlled trial of hypothermic oxygenated perfusion (HOPE) for human liver grafts before transplantation
J. Hepatol. 2023 Apr 01;78(4)783-793, A Schlegel, M Mueller, X Muller, J Eden, R Panconesi, S von Felten, K Steigmiller, RX Sousa Da Silva, O de Rougemont, JY Mabrut, M Lesurtel, MC Cerisuelo, ND Heaton, MA Allard, R Adam, D Monbaliu, I Jochmans, MPD Haring, RJ Porte, A Parente, P Muiesan, P Kron, M Attia, D Kollmann, G Berlakovich, X Rogiers, K Petterson, AL Kranich, S Amberg, B Müllhaupt, PA Clavien, P DutkowskiFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.