Complete Endoscopic Healing Lowers Relapse Risk After Anti-TNF Therapy Withdrawal in IBD
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Complete endoscopic healing is associated with a lower relapse risk after anti-TNF withdrawal in inflammatory bowel disease
Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 2022 Aug 30;[EPub Ahead of Print], R Mahmoud, EHJ Savelkoul, W Mares, R Goetgebuer, BJM Witteman, DB de Koning, SAC van Tuyl, I Minderhoud, MWMD Lutgens, D Akol-Simsek, FDM van Schaik, HH Fidder, JM Jansen, PGA van Boeckel, N Mahmmod, CS Horjus-Talabur Horje, TEH Römkens, JF Colombel, F Hoentjen, B Jharap, B OldenburgFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.