Clonal Hematopoiesis in Hip Arthroplasty
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CHIP & HIPs: Clonal Hematopoiesis is Common in Hip Arthroplasty Patients and Associates with Autoimmune Disease
Blood 2021 Jun 17;[EPub Ahead of Print], JS Hecker, L Hartmann, J Rivière, MC Buck, M van der Garde, M Rothenberg-Thurley, L Fischer, S Winter, B Ksienzyk, F Ziemann, M Solovey, M Rauner, E Tsourdi, K Sockel, M Schneider, AS Kubasch, M Nolde, D Hausmann, AC Paulus, J Lützner, A Roth, F Bassermann, K Spiekermann, C Marr, LC Hofbauer, U Platzbecker, KH Metzeler, KS GötzeFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.