Clinical Score for Patients With Colorectal Cancer With Isolated Lung Metastases Undergoing Surgical Resection
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Clinical score for colorectal cancer patients with lung-limited metastases undergoing surgical resection: Meta-Lung Score
Lung Cancer 2023 Oct 01;184(xx)107342, P Ziranu, PA Ferrari, F Guerrera, P Bertoglio, A Tamburrini, A Pretta, P Lyberis, G Grimaldi, E Lai, M Santoru, F Bardanzellu, L Riva, F Balconi, E Della Beffa, M Dubois, M Pinna-Susnik, C Donisi, E Capozzi, V Pusceddu, A Murenu, M Puzzoni, F Mathieu, S Sarais, A Alzetani, L Luzzi, P Solli, P Paladini, E Ruffini, R Cherchi, M ScartozziFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.