Childhood Onset of Primary Sjögren's Syndrome
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Childhood-onset of primary Sjögren's syndrome: phenotypic characterization at diagnosis of 158 children
Rheumatology (Oxford) 2021 Oct 02;60(10)4558-4567, M Ramos-Casals, N Acar-Denizli, A Vissink, P Brito-Zerón, X Li, F Carubbi, R Priori, N Toplak, C Baldini, E Faugier-Fuentes, AA Kruize, T Mandl, M Tomiita, S Gandolfo, K Hashimoto, G Hernandez-Molina, B Hofauer, S Mendieta-Zerón, A Rasmussen, P Sandhya, D Sene, VFM Trevisani, D Isenberg, E Sundberg, SG Pasoto, A Sebastian, Y Suzuki, S Retamozo, B Xu, R Giacomelli, A Gattamelata, M Bizjak, S Bombardieri, RE Loor-Chavez, A Hinrichs, P Olsson, H Bootsma, SM LiebermanFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.