Challenges of Diagnosing Susac Syndrome
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Diagnosis, differential diagnosis and misdiagnosis of Susac syndrome
Eur. J. Neurol. 2022 Mar 09;[EPub Ahead of Print], JD Triplett, J Qiu, B O'Brien, S Gopinath, B Trewin, PJ Spring, M Shaffi, J Ip, F Chan, L Chen, I Wilson, C Muller, HN Beadnall, M Boggild, A Van der Walt, R Roxburgh, N Seery, T Kalincik, MH Barnett, JDE Parratt, SW Reddel, B Tsang, TA HardyFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.