Cathepsin H Inhibition for Chemoresistant Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer
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Acquired semi-squamatization during chemotherapy suggests differentiation as a therapeutic strategy for bladder cancer
Cancer Cell 2022 Sep 12;40(9)1044-1059.e8, M Wang, X Chen, P Tan, Y Wang, X Pan, T Lin, Y Jiang, B Wang, H Xu, Y Wang, Y Yang, J Wang, L Zhao, J Zhang, A Zhong, Y Peng, J Du, Q Zhang, J Zheng, J Chen, S Dai, F Na, Z Lu, J Liu, X Zheng, L Yang, P Zhang, P Han, Q Gong, Q Zhong, K Xiao, H Yang, H Deng, Y Zhao, H Shi, J Man, M Gou, C Zhao, L Dai, Z Xue, L Chen, Y Wang, M Zeng, C Huang, Q Wei, Y Wei, Y Liu, C ChenFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.