Beta Blockers Improve Long-Term Survival in Patients With Takotsubo Syndrome
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Beta-blockers are associated with better long-term survival in patients with Takotsubo syndrome
Heart 2022 Mar 31;[EPub Ahead of Print], A Silverio, G Parodi, F Scudiero, E Bossone, M Di Maio, O Vriz, M Bellino, C Zito, G Provenza, I Radano, C Baldi, A D'Andrea, G Novo, C Mauro, F Rigo, P Innelli, J Salerno-Uriarte, M Cameli, C Vecchione, F Antonini Canterin, G Galasso, R CitroFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.