Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab and Chemotherapy in NSCLC Subgroups With EGFR Mutations or Liver or Brain Metastases
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IMpower150 Final Exploratory Analyses for Atezolizumab Plus Bevacizumab and Chemotherapy in Key NSCLC Patient Subgroups With EGFR Mutations or Metastases in the Liver or Brain
J Thorac Oncol 2021 Oct 06;[EPub Ahead of Print], N Nogami, F Barlesi, MA Socinski, M Reck, CA Thomas, F Cappuzzo, TSK Mok, G Finley, JG Aerts, F Orlandi, D Moro-Sibilot, RM Jotte, D Stroyakovskiy, LC Villaruz, D Rodríguez-Abreu, DW Lim, D Merritt, S Coleman, A Lee, G Shankar, W Yu, I Bara, M NishioFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.