Association Between Tomato Consumption and BP in an Older Population at High Cardiovascular Risk
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Association between tomato consumption and blood pressure in an older population at high cardiovascular risk: observational analysis of PREDIMED trial
Eur J Prev Cardiol 2023 Nov 24;[EPub Ahead of Print], D Murcia-Lesmes, I Domínguez-López, EP Laveriano-Santos, A Tresserra-Rimbau, S Castro-Barquero, R Estruch, Z Vazquez-Ruiz, M Ruiz-Canela, C Razquin, D Corella, JV Sorli, J Salas-Salvadó, KA Pérez-Vega, E Gómez-Gracia, J Lapetra, F Arós, M Fiol, L Serra-Majem, X Pinto, E Ros, RM Lamuela-RaventósFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.