Anticoagulation With Edoxaban in Patients With Long Atrial High-Rate Episodes
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Anticoagulation with edoxaban in patients with long Atrial High-Rate Episodes ≥24 hours
Eur Heart J 2023 Nov 12;[EPub Ahead of Print], N Becher, T Toennis, E Bertaglia, C Blomström-Lundqvist, A Brandes, N Cabanelas, M Calvert, AJ Camm, G Chlouverakis, GA Dan, W Dichtl, HC Diener, A Fierenz, A Goette, JR de Groot, ANL Hermans, GYH Lip, A Lubinski, E Marijon, B Merkely, L Mont, AK Ozga, K Rajappan, A Sarkozy, D Scherr, RB Schnabel, U Schotten, S Sehner, E Simantirakis, P Vardas, V Velchev, D Wichterle, A Zapf, P KirchhofFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.