Adjuvant Ipilimumab Improves Recurrence-Free Survival in High-Risk Stage III Melanoma
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Adjuvant Ipilimumab Versus Placebo After Complete Resection of High-Risk Stage III Melanoma (EORTC 18071): A Randomised, Double-Blind, Phase 3 Trial
Lancet Oncol 2015 Mar 31;[EPub Ahead of Print], AM Eggermont, V Chiarion-Sileni, JJ Grob, R Dummer, JD Wolchok, H Schmidt, O Hamid, C Robert, PA Ascierto, JM Richards, C Lebbé, V Ferraresi, M Smylie, JS Weber, M Maio, C Konto, A Hoos, V de Pril, RK Gurunath, G de Schaetzen, S Suciu, A TestoriFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.