Adjuvant Immunotherapy in Patients With Resected Gastric and Oesophagogastric Junction Cancer With High Risk for Recurrence (ypN+/R1) After Preoperative Chemotherapy
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Adjuvant immunotherapy in patients with resected gastric and oesophagogastric junction cancer following preoperative chemotherapy with high risk for recurrence (ypN+ and/or R1): European Organisation of Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) 1707 VESTIGE study
Ann. Oncol 2024 Nov 12;[EPub Ahead of Print], F Lordick, ME Mauer, G Stocker, CA Cella, I Ben-Aharon, G Piessen, L Wyrwicz, G Al-Haidari, T Fleitas-Kanonnikoff, V Boige, RL Obermannová, UM Martens, C Gomez-Martin, P Thuss-Patience, V Arrazubi, A Avallone, KK Shiu, P Artru, B Brenner, CB Sanchez, I Chau, S Lorenzen, S Daum, M Sinn, B Merelli, NCT van Grieken, M Nilsson, M Collienne, A Giraut, E SmythFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.