Active Esophageal Cooling During AF Ablation Reduces the Rate of Atrioesophageal Fistulas
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Atrioesophageal Fistula Rates Before and After Adoption of Active Esophageal Cooling During Atrial Fibrillation Ablation
JACC Clin Electrophysiol 2023 Dec 01;9(12)2558-2570, J Sanchez, C Woods, J Zagrodzky, J Nazari, MJ Singleton, A Schricker, A Ruppert, B Brumback, B Jenny, C Athill, C Joseph, D Shah, G Upadhyay, E Kulstad, J Cogan, J Leyton-Mange, J Cooper, K Tamirisa, S Omotoye, S Timilsina, A Perez-Verdia, A Kaplan, A Patel, A Ro, A Corsello, A Kolli, B Greet, D Willms, D Burkland, D Castillo, F Zahwe, H Nayak, J Daniels, J MacGregor, M Sackett, WM Kutayli, M Barakat, R Percell, S Akrivakis, SC Hao, T Liu, A Panico, A Ramireddy, T Dewland, EP Gerstenfeld, DB Lanes, E Sze, G Francisco, J Silva, J McHugh, K Sung, L Feldman, N Serafini, R Kawasaki, R Hongo, R Kuk, R Hayward, S Park, A Vu, C Henry, S Bailey, S Mickelsen, T Taneja, W Fisher, M MetzlFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.