Abiraterone Acetate Plus Prednisolone With or Without Enzalutamide for Patients With Metastatic Prostate Cancer Starting ADT
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Abiraterone acetate plus prednisolone with or without enzalutamide for patients with metastatic prostate cancer starting androgen deprivation therapy: final results from two randomised phase 3 trials of the STAMPEDE platform protocol
Lancet Oncol 2023 May 01;24(5)443-456, G Attard, L Murphy, NW Clarke, A Sachdeva, C Jones, A Hoyle, W Cross, RJ Jones, CC Parker, S Gillessen, A Cook, C Brawley, C Gilson, H Rush, H Abdel-Aty, CL Amos, C Murphy, S Chowdhury, Z Malik, JM Russell, N Parkar, C Pugh, C Diaz-Montana, C Pezaro, W Grant, H Saxby, I Pedley, JM O'Sullivan, A Birtle, J Gale, N Srihari, C Thomas, J Tanguay, J Wagstaff, P Das, E Gray, M Alzouebi, O Parikh, A Robinson, AH Montazeri, J Wylie, A Zarkar, R Cathomas, MD Brown, Y Jain, DP Dearnaley, MD Mason, D Gilbert, RE Langley, R Millman, D Matheson, MR Sydes, LC Brown, MKB Parmar, ND JamesFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.