Abatacept for GVHD Prophylaxis Reduces the Impact of Mismatching in Unrelated Donor Stem Cell Transplantation
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Abatacept for GVHD prophylaxis can reduce racial disparities by abrogating the impact of mismatching in unrelated donor stem cell transplantation
Blood Adv 2022 Feb 08;6(3)746-749, M Qayed, B Watkins, S Gillespie, B Bratrude, K Betz, SW Choi, J Davis, C Duncan, R Giller, M Grimley, AC Harris, D Jacobsohn, N Lalefar, M Norkin, N Farhadfar, MA Pulsipher, S Shenoy, A Petrovic, KR Schultz, GA Yanik, EK Waller, A Langston, LS Kean, JT HoranFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.