2-Year Outcomes for Transcatheter Repair in Patients With Mitral Regurgitation
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2-Year Outcomes for Transcatheter Repair in Patients With Mitral Regurgitation From the CLASP Study
JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2021 Jul 26;14(14)1538-1548, M Szerlip, KS Spargias, R Makkar, S Kar, RM Kipperman, WW O'Neill, MKC Ng, RL Smith, NP Fam, MJ Rinaldi, OC Raffel, DL Walters, J Levisay, M Montorfano, A Latib, JD Carroll, G Nickenig, S Windecker, L Marcoff, GN Cohen, U Schäfer, JG Webb, DS LimFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.