18F-FDG PET/CT and Radiolabeled Leukocyte SPECT/CT Imaging for the Evaluation of Cardiovascular Infection in the Multimodality Context
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18F-FDG PET/CT and radiolabeled leukocyte SPECT/CT imaging for the evaluation of cardiovascular infection in the multimodality context: ASNC Imaging Indications (ASNC I2) Series Expert Consensus Recommendations from ASNC, AATS, ACC, AHA, ASE, EANM, HRS, IDSA, SCCT, SNMMI, and STS
Heart Rhythm 2024 Mar 07;[EPub Ahead of Print], JM Bourque, U Birgersdotter-Green, PE Bravo, RPJ Budde, W Chen, VH Chu, V Dilsizian, PA Erba, C Gallegos Kattan, G Habib, F Hyafil, YM Khor, J Manlucu, PK Mason, EJ Miller, MR Moon, MW Parker, G Pettersson, RD Schaller, RHJA Slart, JB Strom, BL Wilkoff, A Williams, AE Woolley, BA Zwischenberger, S DorbalaFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.