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Refining Neoadjuvant Therapy Clinical Trial Design for Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Before Cystectomy
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Refining neoadjuvant therapy clinical trial design for muscle-invasive bladder cancer before cystectomy: a joint US Food and Drug Administration and Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network workshop
Nat Rev Urol 2021 Sep 10;[EPub Ahead of Print], E Chang, AB Apolo, R Bangs, S Chisolm, V Duddalwar, JA Efstathiou, KB Goldberg, DE Hansel, AM Kamat, PG Kluetz, SP Lerner, E Plimack, T Prowell, H Singh, D Suzman, EY Yu, H Zhang, JA Beaver, R Pazdur, C Weinstock, MD GalskyFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.