Viktoria Eleftheriadou MD, MRCP(UK), SCE(Derm), PhD
Consultant Dermatologist, New Cross and Walsall Manor Hospitals, the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, West Midlands, United Kingdom; Associate Section Editor, British Journal of DermatologyDr. Viktoria Eleftheriadou completed her PhD on vitiligo and phototherapy at the University of Nottingham (UK), which was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). More recently, she led the British Association of Dermatologists guidelines for the management of people with vitiligo 2021.
Dr. Eleftheriadou has presented her research at national and international meetings and won awards from the BAD, AAD and EADV. She has published chapters in several books on vitiligo and phototherapy.
In addition to vitiligo, Dr. Eleftheriadou's research interests include clinical trials methodology and outcomes research.