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Teiji Kawano M Eng, MD, PhD

Teiji Kawano M Eng, MD, PhD

Neurologist; Neurorehabilitation Research Institute, Morinomiya Hospital, Osaka, Japan; Joint Researcher, Division of Neural Dynamics, Department of System Neuroscience, National Institutes for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan

Dr. Teiji Kawano is a neurologist at the Neurorehabilitation Research Institute, Morinomiya Hospital, Osaka, Japan. He also serves as a joint researcher for the Division of Neural Dynamics, Department of System Neuroscience, National Institutes for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan.

Dr. Kawano received his medical degree from Osaka University School of Medicine and completed residency training at Osaka Prefectural Hospital and Tane General Hospital in the Department of Neurology. Prior to medical schooling, he graduated from the Department of Synthetic Organic Chemistry of the Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University.

Dr. Kawano holds a board certificate of the Japanese Society of Neurology, Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine, Japan Stroke Society, and Japanese Society of Internal Medicine. Upon completion of his neurology residency training, his career progressed into Rehabilitation Medicine. He conducts clinical research to develop novel biomarkers for the post-stroke impairment and recovery. His current research combines resting-state electroencephalographic functional imaging and detailed clinical assessments of patients with stroke from subacute to chronic stages.