Sairam Geethanath PhD
Associate Research Scientist, Zuckerman Mind, Brain, Behavior Institute and the Columbia Magnetic Resonance Research Center, Columbia University, New York, New YorkDr. Geethanath is an associate research scientist at the Columbia MR Research Center with a background in MR technology development and clinical translation. His research interests include developing novel image acquisition and reconstruction methods. These are aimed to deliver accessible MRI solutions to the world's underserved populations that do not have access to MRI. To this end, he was part of a team of five investigators in India to build her first indigenous MRI. Currently, he and his team are developing methods related to autonomous MRI, new methods of spatial encoding and accelerated quantitative imaging to build hardware cognizant methods. In the past, he has focused on accelerated MRI acquisition and reconstruction methods to overcome challenges related to spatio-temporal resolutions. He has trained at Imperial College London, University of Texas at Southwestern Medical Center and University of Texas at Arlington.