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Pernille Thrane MD

Pernille Gro Thrane MD

Medical Doctor and PhD Student, Department of Cardiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark

Dr. Pernille Gro Thrane is a medical doctor and PhD student at Department of Cardiology Aarhus University Hospital. Since 2018, she has worked in the field of clinical epidemiology of STEMI. Her work centers on understanding prognosis after STEMI with a focus on changes in treatment and prognosis following the implementation of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Dr. Thrane is part of an epidemiological research group using data from national health registries to conduct large observational studies to unravel risk factors and prognosis in patients with cardiovascular disease.


Dr. Thrane has no relevant disclosures.

Recent Contributions to PracticeUpdate:

  1. Mortality Trends After Primary PCI in Patients With STEMI