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Neil Docherty BSc, PhD

Neil Docherty BSc, PhD

Associate Professor (Anatomy), University College Dublin (UCD) School of Medicine; Principal Investigator, UCD Diabetes Complications Research Centre at the UCD Conway Institute, Dublin, Ireland

Dr. Neil Docherty is Associate Professor (Anatomy) at the University College Dublin (UCD) School of Medicine and Principal Investigator at the UCD Diabetes Complications Research Centre at the UCD Conway Institute. He is interested in the role of obesity and diabetes as modifiable risk factors for the development and progression of chronic kidney disease. To this end, Dr. Docherty co-leads translational research studies at the UCD Metabolic Medicine group wherein he works to identify and characterise optimised surgical and medical approaches for the treatment of obesity, type 2 diabetes and associated chronic kidney disease.


Dr. Docherty has no relevant disclosures.

Recent Contributions to PracticeUpdate:

  1. Potential Benefits of Metabolic Surgery in Patients With SIRD