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Leticia De Mattos-Arruda MD, PhD

Leticia De Mattos-Arruda MD, PhD

Group Leader, IrsiCaixa, Trias I Pujol University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain

Leticia De Mattos-Arruda is a medical oncologist, clinician-scientist and group leader at the IrsiCaixa Foundation, Barcelona, Spain.

Masters and PhD from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. 

Former research fellow at the Memorial Sloan Kettering in NY and the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge, UK. Past research fellow and principal investigator at the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology, Barcelona.

Member of ESMO, ASCO, EACR, AACR. Faculty member for breast cancer field for ESMO, part of the Editorial Board in the field of Breast Cancer of "ESMO Open - Cancer Horizons", and member of the “ESMO Translational Research and Precision Medicine Working Group”.

Main research interest: the genomic and immune characterisation of tumours and liquid biopsies to accomplish the goals of precision oncology.

Proven track record in breast cancer and molecular oncology, with more than 50 peer reviewed publications.



Dr. De Mattos-Arruda has received honoraria for participation in a speaker’s bureau/ consultancy from Roche. Research collaboration: NanoString Technologies. Educational grant: BMS, Lilly. Research to Institution: Grifols, Gilead, MSD, Jansen, AbbVie.

has received honoraria for participation in a speaker’s bureau/ consultancy from Roche. Research collaboration: NanoString Technologies. Educational grant: BMS, Lilly. Research to Institution: Grifols, Gilead, MSD, Jansen, AbbVie.