Josef T. Prchal MD
Professor, Division of Hematology and Hematologic Malignancies, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Utah, an Salt Lake City, Utah; Charles University, Prague, Czech RepublicJosef Prchal is physician/scientist whose personal and professional aspirations have been to study human diseases with a primary focus on red cell disorders, define their molecular bases, and apply this knowledge to diagnosis and eventually targeted therapies. His clinical activities have focused on studies of congenital erythrocytosis, mis-regulated responses to hypoxia that cause human diseases, and on the molecular studies of polycythemia vera; he published 415 peer-reviewed papers (115 since 2014 including 32 papers with impact factor>5; 29 papers with impact factor>10;1 paper with impact factor~30; and 174 book chapters, editorials and reviews), H-index 78; Citations 26990, i10 index 342.