Inger Thune MD, PhD
Professor in Epidemiology, Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromsø; Senior Consultant in Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Division of Surgery and Cancer Medicine, Department of Oncology, Oslo, NorwayInger Thune is senior consultant in Oncology at the Oslo University Hospital and professor at the Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromsø.
She received her Medical degree in 1987 and her Doctorate degree in 1997 at the University of Tromsø with the title Physical activity and Cancer. Her research interests include energy balance and cancer risk and survival in relation to breast, colorectal, lung and prostate cancer. She was one of the pioneers in relation to physical activity and Cancer and initiated several observational studies and recently also trials.
Dr. Thune has initiated and taken part in several international committes providing guidelines for cancer prevention, including the International Agency for Cancer Research and the National Board Physical Activity and Health in Norway. She is now the chair of a Clinical research Group, Oslo University Hospital, a 28-member research group, that consist of scientists and technical staff initiating observational studies and trials focusing on energy balance and in particular breast cancer risk and survival.
Dr Thune joined the CUP Panel in November 2012 and was specifically appointed to assist with the Panel’s review of evidence on breast cancer.