Ilias Siempos MD, DSc
Assistant Professor of Critical Care and Pulmonary Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, GreeceDr. Ilias Siempos has pursued an academic career of clinician-scientist in critical care and pulmonary medicine and is committed to mentoring.
He graduated (MD) in the top 1% of his class from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki-Medical School, Greece and earned a doctorate (D.Sc.) with excellence from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. He worked as post-doctoral fellow in Harvard Medical School (Boston, USA) and in Weill Cornell Medicine (New York, USA), where he was awarded as Young Investigator. Since 2016, he serves as faculty of Weill Cornell Medicine.
As an intensivist, he enjoys clinical challenges regarding the main reason (namely, acute hypoxemic respiratory failure/acute respiratory distress syndrome) for and complication (namely, ventilator-induced lung injury) of mechanical ventilation. As a researcher, he strives to understand these interconnected clinical entities using a variety of appropriate methodological tools, such as animal models; translational research; clinical outcomes research and meta-analyses. As corresponding author, he has published in all top journals of his specialty, such as The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. He promotes research collaboration of Greek intensive care units leading to publications in top journals of general medicine. For his scientific achievements, he received a prestigious award from the Academy of Athens.
He considers mentoring as his main academic commitment, keeping into mind that mentees are the safest legacy of an academic teacher.