Davide Capodanno MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Cardiology, University of Catania; Interventional Cardiologist, Cardiac-Thoracic-Vascular Department and Transplant, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria “Policlinico G. Rodolico-S. Marco,” Catania, ItalyDavide Capodanno, MD, PhD, is Associate Professor of Cardiology at the University of Catania and Interventional Cardiologist at the Cardiac-Thoracic-Vascular Department and Transplant, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria “Policlinico G. Rodolico-S. Marco” in Catania, Italy. He received his MD and PhD from the University of Catania and completed his research training at the University of Florida in Jacksonville, US. Dr Capodanno has authored 500+ manuscripts published in the peer-reviewed literature, including original articles, reviews and editorials. He has co-authored 5 textbooks of interventional cardiology and 17 textbook chapters. He has delivered 200+ invited lectures in international meetings. Dr Capodanno’s areas of interest and expertise include coronary revascularization, drug-eluting stents, antithrombotic pharmacotherapy, trial design and biostatistics. Dr Capodanno serves as Editor-in-Chief of Eurointervention, Section Editor of Thrombosis and Haemostasis and Editorial Consultant of JACC Cardiovascular Interventions.