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Ashby Walker PhD

Ashby Walker PhD

Assistant Professor, Health Services Research, Management, and Policy; Director, for Health Equity Initiatives at the University of Florida Diabetes Institute; Project Director, ECHO Diabetes Florida, Gainesville, Florida

Dr. Ashby Walker is the Director for Health Equity Initiatives at the University of Florida Diabetes Institute, an elected member of the American Diabetes Association’s National Health Disparities Committee. Dr. Walker’s research as a medical sociologist focuses on health disparities in Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes and the role that social capital plays in determining health outcomes and she was selected by Diabetes Forecast magazine as “People to Know” for 2019. Dr. Walker is the PI of several studies aiming to promote health equity for vulnerable populations with diabetes. Her most recently awarded grant, ECHO Diabetes, is a 7.69 million dollar collaborative initiative with Stanford University aimed at improving access to care for underserved populations living with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in the states of Florida and California.