Anna Podlasek MD
Radiology Research Fellow, University of Nottingham; Trainer and Lead, Hi-Fi Simulation Training in Endovascular Procedures, University of Dundee, Scotland, United KingdomDr. Anna Podlasek finished medicine (2011-2017, Medical University of Lodz, Pl) and biostatistics (2017-2018, Medical University of Lodz, Pl). Since 2014 she has been acting as a freelancing medical writer and data analyst. Currently, she is a Radiology Research Fellow (University of Nottingham, UK) and a Trainer and Lead for Hi-Fi Simulation Training in endovascular procedures (University of Dundee, Scotland). She led research on eye-tracking in the assessment of neurodegenerative disorders (Lodz, PL, 2017-2019) and was involved in multiple neurology and stroke-related clinical trials (WoW study, OPTIMAS, CONVINCE, and others). She is the author of more than ten publications in high-impact-factor, peer-reviewed journals such as American Journal of Neuroradiology, International Journal of Stroke, or Stroke. Her professional interest includes neurovascular diseases, clinical trials and artificial intelligence. She is a reviewer for at least four journals and has presented more than 20 abstracts at international conferences. She endorsed Hong Kong principles, DORA and pledge Image Wisely.