Adriana C. Balduzzi MD
Clinical Pediatrician, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Ospedale San Gerardo, Monza, ItalyProf. Balduzzi works as an Associate Professor of Pediatrics within the Clinica Pediatrica Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca in Italy. The Pediatric Department is located in the Ospedale San Gerardo in Monza and is managed by the non-profit Foundation MBBM.
After having been in charge of the Clinics and Outpatient Unit of Pediatric Hematology and Transplantation, she is in charge of the Stem Cell Transplantation Program, including patient management and donor searches.
Since the year 2009 Adriana Balduzzi has been an active member of the Board of the Pediatric Disease Working Party of the EBMT, serving as a Secretary up to 2014, and since 2015 is the Chairman of the Stem Cell Transplantation Committee of the International BFM Study Group, a 30-country group focusing on transplantation in pediatric hematological malignancies.
Prof. Balduzzi has been working in the field of pediatric hematopoietic transplantation since her graduation in Medicine and gained significant expertise in tailoring minimal residual disease-driven interventions in transplantation for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
In the exciting era of the so-called “precision medicine”, new tools added to manage refractory diseases and prof. Balduzzi is involved in both academic and company-driven protocols investigating the safety and the efficacy of innovative manipulated cell products, including CAR-t cells, for which she is responsible from the clinical side.
Prof. Balduzzi published extensively, signed a pioneer-paper, dealing with unrelated donor transplantation in pediatrics, and a pivotal article in which a randomization by genetic chance could show the benefit of transplantation over chemotherapy in pediatric patients affected with very high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Moreover authored and co-authored international protocol reports.
As a person, she strongly believes that joint projects in art, music, dance and, mainly, science have the power to make the world better.