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Aaron Bancil MBBS, MRCP

Aaron S. Bancil MBBS, MRCP

Clinical Research Fellow, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom

Dr. Aaron Bancil is a gastroenterology trainee in South London and a PhD candidate at King’s College London. His research is based on the ADDapt trial, which is a randomised controlled trial looking at the therapeutic effect of a low food additive diet in Crohn’s Disease. He is also the UK trainee representative for the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) and is a trainee representative on the British Society of Gastroenterology research council. Dr Bancil undertook his undergraduate medical training at Imperial College London and continued his training in London. He recently won the Royal College of Physicians and the NIHR trainee award for outstanding contribution to research in 2023.


Dr. Bancil has no relevant disclosures.

Recent Contributions to PracticeUpdate:

  1. Ultra-Processed Food Consumption and Long-Term IBS Risk